Convection vs Convection Bake: Clearing the Heat of the Matter

In the quest to understand your oven better, you’ve probably come across two similar terms – “convection” and “convection bake.” These terms can cause a bit of confusion. In this article, we’ll demystify the debate surrounding convection vs convection bake.

Santeri Viinamäki, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Understanding Convection

The term ‘convection’ in the context of ovens refers to a cooking method that uses a fan to circulate hot air around the oven’s interior. This circulating hot air cooks food more evenly, quickly, and efficiently than traditional ovens that simply heat from the bottom. If your oven has a convection setting, you’ll notice that it helps your food cook about 25% faster and often delivers better results.

Understanding Convection Bake

Now, let’s move on to the term “convection bake.” This is a specific type of convection cooking. In a convection bake setting, the oven uses a fan, just like in convection mode, but it also uses additional heating elements. Typically, these are located at the top and bottom of the oven. This dual action of circulating air and additional heat sources makes your oven an efficient machine for baking goods that rise, like bread and pastries.

Read more articles on convection ovens – Convection Oven: Your Ultimate Guide

Convection vs Convection Bake: The Key Differences

When comparing convection vs convection bake, the main difference lies in the heating method. In pure convection mode, your oven uses a fan to distribute heat that originates from the back of the oven. In contrast, in convection bake mode, the oven circulates the heat but also engages additional heating elements at the top and bottom.

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So, when should you use each? Use convection mode for roasting or cooking food that doesn’t need to rise. It’s perfect for roasting meats or vegetables, for example. On the other hand, opt for convection bake when you’re making baked goods that need to rise, such as bread or cakes. The additional heat from the top and bottom helps to cook these items evenly and promotes rising.

Mastering Your Oven: Pure Convection vs Convection Bake

It might take some time and practice to understand when to use pure convection vs convection bake. Don’t worry if you don’t get it right straight away. Try different recipes using both settings and see what results you get. By doing this, you’ll get a feel for how your oven works and when it’s best to use each setting.


Understanding the differences between convection and convection bake can truly level up your cooking and baking skills. With this guide, you’re now equipped to make the best use of your oven’s capabilities. So, whether it’s a golden, juicy roast chicken or a light, fluffy sponge cake, you’ve got it covered!

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